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Queer(y)ing Labels: Dialogues of Identity
From Issue Editor Sherry Coman: "It is a tremendous pleasure to present the strong and wise voices on offer in this issue, in their innovative expressions of what it means to identify as 2SLGBTQIA+ people and/or allies in a variety of contemporary contexts. I am so grateful for their courage and their insights, both scholarly and personal. This issue has attempted to frame a dialogue in which compatible voices find solidarity by standing together in theme or by lining up in accidental symmetries of experience. The fluidity of gender identity, which reaches deep into the 2SLGBTQIA+ acronym, invites us to consider more deeply the challenges of living a differently-formed identity within a cisheterosexual dominant society....
2SLGBTQIA+- Sexuality in Changing Canadian Lutheran Contexts and Identities
With attention to diverse history, theology, experiences and concerns, this article uses Lutheran contexts and identities to construct a frame for the eventual telling of untold 2SLGBTQIA+ stories. This paper provides accessible structural elements (narratives, time-markers, web-links, videos and image files from reputable sources in Canadian and Lutheran history and theology so readers interested in life-giving quests of belonging can more easily and accurately engage in the ongoing work of reformation from the position of unity in the Gospel that sets people free.
Shaking the Leaves of Identity
This article seeks to present a study of gender and sexuality based on an Indigenous and theologically interpreted understanding of ourselves, wonderfully made by God, who formed our inward parts and knit us together in our mother’s wombs. If we understand personhood in general and gender in particular to be a matter of lived experience rather than merely a matter of physicality, biology, and physiology, then our hearts and our spirits can be open to experiencing all people as Creator made them rather than through very limiting, merely mortal definitions. This article accesses the lived experience of Anglican Archdeacon Venerable Rosalyn Kantlaht’ant Elm, born of the Oneida Nation, Bear Clan, whose name Kantlaht’ant means “One who Shakes the Leaves,” and who is identified by the Haudenosaunee term laksá. The concept of the Resurrection Body from Pauline scripture and a traditional hermeneutical lens are used to affirm that all that Creator makes has been, is, and always shall be glorious.
Report on the 2022 Global Interfaith Commission on LGBT+ Lives
From Bishop Susan Johnson: "It was my privilege to take part online in the 2022 Global Interfaith Commission on LGBT+ Lives. Sponsored by the Global Interfaith Commission on LGBT+ Lives and held in London, England, the meeting brought together interreligious and political leaders from around the world who are concerned with the rights and safety of 2SLGBTQIA+ persons. There were several presentations, including one by Archbishop Linda Nicholls of the Anglican Church of Canada on Canada’s actions to protect rights for gender identity and gender expression and to ban conversion therapy. There were also in-depth reports of the current situation for 2SLGBTQIA+ persons regarding conversion therapy in Hungary and the Caribbean. The highlight of the conference was the unanimous passing on 22nd March 2022 of the Principles to Safeguard LGBT+ Lives2, which sets out the following principles:...".
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